Monday, April 30, 2007

People Say the Darnest Things!

Sometimes you'll never know what will show up in the linkshell/party chat. Below are some of my recent favorites.

Public display of affection are {/welcome}.

Apples and banannas Cold... You have a delicious way with words =p

Translated: "I'm going to accept your heart." / "I'm going to eat your heart (polite)" Lolpullmacros.

Besides laughing it up on the LS chat, I've been busy leveling WHM on Chubbie. Currently she's on her way to 30 and she just surivived Qufim Island. Heres a few highlights.
In order to know your enemy, you must get -inside- their heads!

Jet is secretly Iceman! Npckki's head was like a strobe light.

Double the pleasure... double the fun... Twin monk Mithras. Same LS. They made us leave their camp ><

My firstaru Magic Burstaru! LolWhm ftw.

I played on Hyourin a bit. I decided to leave the tunnels for a little fresh air.
Helped Mirathin get one of her RDM tests. Got it in 2 kills! (Congrats to Mira for beating Maat tonite!)

Played with my bow...

Mmm. Blue Koolaid bubbles of HP. OHHH YEAHHHH!!!

I missed EES and almosted died to a Gob. with 4 exp tnl. OHHHH NOOOOO!!!

All my gear are cheap NQ. {/blush} Hawker's Knife: 0

I guess thats what I was up to this weekend. Finals week is this week so I can't be on much to level. Maybe just sliming.
Yukimu is returning to Vana'diel tonite. Welcome him back if you see him on. Its been close to 4 months since he has played.

Wednesday, April 25, 2007

FFXI Market Forecasting

Ron = Jesus?

In recent FFXI related news...

We would like to report the termination today of multiple accounts held by
players involved in the usage of third-party tools or cheats, or engaged in RMT
(Real Money Trading) activities.

Based on the results of our investigation, over 3400 PlayOnline accounts
were terminated while over 500 accounts were temporarily suspended.Details of
the violations are as follows:

- Usage of tools that allow enhanced character movement.
Approx. 600 cases

- Usage of tools that circumvent game mechanics with respect to the timing
of ability use, etc. in certain areas or at points where Notorious Monsters
Approx. 200 cases

-Using cheats to automatically repeat a particular action.
Approx. 2200 cases
*The above number reflects the total number of accounts banned within the
period of a month. This does not include individual cases handled by GMs.

- Accounts from people that were previously confirmed to have RMT
connections, or that had violated the user agreements but re-subscribed to
Approx. 900 cases

The termination of these accounts has led to the removal of
approximately 2.8 billion gil from circulation.

What does this mean? Continue to see falling prices. The power of gil should gradually get stronger in the next few months, with items liquidating accross the server. However, be aware, with less GS/bots, we have less buyers of craft consumables and sellers of top-tier items.

Good or bad? Depends on how you see things.

Sunday, April 22, 2007



Since I’m not playing FFXI as of yet, I decided to check out my collection of pictures once again. Coming across then one made me laugh too hard; so I decided to post about it.

Gimpy-noun- In FFXI it referees to players who do not have good equipment. For instance a player is at level 30, but still using equipment from level 15.

I was in the dunes leveling up my WHM on this special night. Within the party they all made fun of me for being a ‘noob’, since I did not have any decent gears on. On my defenses: It wasn’t because I can’t afford it. It was because there wasn’t any room in my inventory.

This was the resulting after math of one battle with a goblin.
Being an experience FFXI player... I knew about the " bomb toss", they didn't.

My team mate all went berserk thinking that “Oh it just shitty unfair how the noob stay alive”

All I can say to them was “Who’s the noob now?” ^^

Saturday, April 21, 2007

The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly

A few days ago I located this picture in my computer, it was quite funny. The picture sparked my thinking of a post called “Good day, Bad day”. So here the post for your enjoyment.

This is a good day in Vana'diel for me.

Now, this is a 'bad day' for me.

Here is a victory for me.

and a lost for me, a 'really bad day'.

For those who wonder what picture that lead to this post, here it is.

It's story time once again!!

There was this one time Hyourin, Houzukimaru, and I went and had fun in Maze of Shakhrami. I forgot for whatever the reason was, but we were there. I ‘somehow’ aggravate the crawler and decided to run for it (chuckles...'somehow'). Almost to the zone I stopped and returned because of Hyourin constantly bitching that “We can take it on, so don’t run. I’m a Paladin, I can tank it.Just Perfect Doge it”. Ill fated for me,apparently he did not noticed the numbers of crawler I had grather together during my escapade. It lead to him saying...“I cant save u now”. But I had Perfect Doge on and the text flew by quite fast.All I could see was “over here”. So I ran back, Perfect Doge wears off, and I die. Thank You Hyourin.

I came up with this segment that I'll call "/em4u". So please enjoy.

So what I have been doing all this time away from Vana'diel? This (look below)

Hope you enjoy this, and leave comments please!!

Thursday, April 19, 2007

Farming My Non-existing Elvaan Arse Off

Sometimes when I think how lofty my FFXI goals are, its enough to make Chubbie cry.
Dual boxing isn't without its costs. Heres my short term Christmas list.
  1. 1 Utsusemi: Ni scroll
  2. 1 Koenig Shield
  3. 2 Jujitsu Gi
  4. 2 Woodsman Ring
  5. 2 Chivalrous Chain
  6. 1 Ochiudo's Kote
  7. 1 Horomusha Kote
  8. 2 Fuma Kyahan
  9. 2 Scorpion Harness

Now, don't start thinking uncle Hyo here has gil bursting out of his subligar. I've had to fiend off gil sellers and farmers for my gil 24/7. However, I think I can check off numbers 1 thru 5 by the second week in May. Finals are coming up and for myself, studying has a strong correlation with farming.

Besides day dreaming, WHM has been fun with Chubbie. However, I can't wait to get out of the dunes and away from all the noobtards. I have much admiration and repsect for WHMs now that I myself am one too.

Peace and Calm

Sometimes the finer things in life are the quiet times.

Tuesday, April 17, 2007

Read last post first!

Hey! My life story in a comic strip!!!!!!!! Wow I really thought it was a documentary on my life in FFXI. Kind of scary how acute it was.

It reminds me how Hyourin showed how to slap chars model asses (by showing, I mean he doing onto me). He unleashed a storm in Vana'diel. Oh how many times I heard “I'm going to get a GM on you” or “Hey that my wife”; some people have a bit too much of a metal connection with their virtual char.

As a low level char Hyourin walked me from Windrust to Mhura. During that walk I saw the giraffe monster. Long story short, I wanted to attack it.

Running from a mob… I don’t know why I try anymore. Why? Because they always get me, like 2inch from the zone. That or zoning and dieing. I think SE is doing it on purpose.

Oh ya, with me never ending quest of not being the poorest THF on our sever, At one point I also try this method

Monday, April 16, 2007

I Attack Nowz!

This made me laugh so hard thinking of Yukimu. Click on it to enlarge.

Thursday, April 12, 2007

Summer Time: Friends and FFXI

Last summer was memorable not because of all the levels gained, monsters killed, or anything to do with missions/quests in FFXI. Simply put, last summer was memorable because of the new friends and memories that were made during those sleepless nights spent in Vana'diel. Some of the friends that I've made, I'm still in constant contact with in real life. People who've quit, taking a break, or still with us. They're all on my cell phone.
Matsutake, who've I met thru Yukimu, we began out as a static party. He dual boxed a 75WHM named Corec but he was leveling MNK instead. If there is anyone who isn't afraid of playing for long hours, doing crazy leveling statics, its my boy Matsu. He's quit and recreated his char more times then I can recall. He's making his return this week back to Vana'diel. I'm putting Matsu on my "My Five" on my phone later this week b/c of all the mins drained from talking to him. He still calls me the best tank he's ever met. lol.
Kyoushousha, who I bumped into thru Matsu. So many nights we spend together camping Poisonhand. Kyou was the bread maker and a beastly NIN tank. Never have I met anyone that leveled as fast as Kyou. Unfortunately Kyou left FFXI after summer ended and hasn't come back since. Still keep in contact thru MSN from time to time.
Auto and Yellobluebus. The husband and wife dynamic duo who've I've had the pleasure of befriending. I remember I met Ybb in the Kazham jungles when we partied and I helped her with her Japanese. We really didn't do anything until a few months later when I asked her for help for LB1. Auto came and tried to help but died in the process ; ;. I recall asking if they wanted to static and they Ybb replied, "Sorry, we're staticing with a NIN." Weeks later, we're staticing like crazy and they've been with me ever since. Ybb refers to me as "her tank." lol. When they canceled their account and dissappeared for 2 months, that was the saddest time in FFXI for me. Thankfully, they both came back =p.
Yukimu. Ah, what can I say. You'll never find a kid like him. Never afraid to die...

Many countless quotes and antics are spoken on the phone when we refer to something about FFXI. "Remember that time..." "Oh and that time when Yukimu..." "What kinda of cure is this?" I recall going to bed one night and thinking to myself. Man, FFXI is fun but, it sure isn't when your friends aren't there. People hound me refering to myself as the one who doesn't do missions, quests, etc. Main reason? Yuki and Matsu aren't back in FFXI just yet. Part of me is holding back from moving on too far. Why do I level so many jobs and farm oils non-stop? So I can be ready when my friends come back to the game. Simply put.
Some news came to my attention last week when I found out my mentor, Deviltti, retired from FFXI. Though we didn't spend much time together in the game, Deviltti had the most profound impact on my FFXI career. We've known each other for a little under 4 years now. Crazy. I'm made in his shadow.

Summer, its almost back.

Sunday, April 1, 2007

Why lvl 75?

Looking at Hyo level 75 Pld, makes me want to reach it soo bad. Why? So I can run around the world and see all the zones, see more monsters (god I hate crabs, and crawlers), and experiance everything. But Hyo just disagree with me. He called that "mis-adventurers". What eve, he a PLD, but fear to see the light.

This is me taking on a random NM, becuase unlike Hyo I got balls.
Dieing isnt a problem, as long as you learn something. What I learn? Proteus NM have 8 arms, but hit 4 time at once.... painfull.

This monster model remind of of my first boat ride with Hyo. Going to Selbina I stepped on the boat and saw it... thinking "Omg look at that cool summon". Hyo was there to watch my death.

Spring term is almost over, hopefully I can go back with vengeance!

Spooks, you the man!

Since FFXI is a MMORPG, you get to met all kinds of people in the game. Living, breathing people who come from different parts of the world. This is the main reason I play the game, to get to meet new people that is. Be it English, Japanese, European, or plain ole "I don't understand." Last night, I was partying it up in the dunes with Katsumoto.
Our setup was 3 BLM, 1 NIN, 1 THF, and one funny WAR.
Thats him ladies and gentlemen. Spooks. He most def. made my night. He made me laugh so hard that it didn't matter I only gained 2 levels all night with myself as a Power Level. I'm not making fun of this kid, oh no. Exactly opposite, I respect his idealism... since he's new to the game.
Spooks died prob. around 4-5 times last night. With me PL'n, he still managed to die. He voked once when he was at like 10 HP which made me laugh so hard. I must say though, he always voked for others and was willing to die at a whim. He'd make a great PLD. But, Spooks also had a great way with words.
lolSpooks. So Aricelia came to give him a pearl after our party disbanded. When Ari came into the mix, Katsumoto start to die left and right.
Ari decided to bring a friend, Tremor Ram. Which, as show in this picture, completely blocked myself (Hyourin) from seeing Katsumoto dying. lolAri.
This wasn't the only time Katsumoto died. He proceeded to die a few more times before the night ended.
Today, I leveled Chubbie some more to a stone's throw to level 15. Bermont (if you can see him in the center) joined me. We grabbed a few levels before we both had to take off.
From yesterday's and today's partying and PL'n experience I must say that I feel kinda bad for PL'n myself thru the dunes. Why?
1) When I'm PL'n, the newbies aren't learning. So, I'm just causing a viel of false hope. Even veterans are acting stupid when I'm PL'n. "Why the fck you double pulll? Didn't I say I needed MP? Why you tanking naked?"
2) Chubbie's BLM magic points are lolBLM. My Enfeebling is at like 2. My Dark is at 1. w00t. I gotta skill up later with myself.
3) You realize that this is training bad tanks. I won't get into this but, seems if I'm PL'n, they're not paying attention no more.
Still, these past few days playing with Chubbie have been laughtastic. Makes me feel young again and love FFXI for all its ups and downs.