Thursday, April 12, 2007

Summer Time: Friends and FFXI

Last summer was memorable not because of all the levels gained, monsters killed, or anything to do with missions/quests in FFXI. Simply put, last summer was memorable because of the new friends and memories that were made during those sleepless nights spent in Vana'diel. Some of the friends that I've made, I'm still in constant contact with in real life. People who've quit, taking a break, or still with us. They're all on my cell phone.
Matsutake, who've I met thru Yukimu, we began out as a static party. He dual boxed a 75WHM named Corec but he was leveling MNK instead. If there is anyone who isn't afraid of playing for long hours, doing crazy leveling statics, its my boy Matsu. He's quit and recreated his char more times then I can recall. He's making his return this week back to Vana'diel. I'm putting Matsu on my "My Five" on my phone later this week b/c of all the mins drained from talking to him. He still calls me the best tank he's ever met. lol.
Kyoushousha, who I bumped into thru Matsu. So many nights we spend together camping Poisonhand. Kyou was the bread maker and a beastly NIN tank. Never have I met anyone that leveled as fast as Kyou. Unfortunately Kyou left FFXI after summer ended and hasn't come back since. Still keep in contact thru MSN from time to time.
Auto and Yellobluebus. The husband and wife dynamic duo who've I've had the pleasure of befriending. I remember I met Ybb in the Kazham jungles when we partied and I helped her with her Japanese. We really didn't do anything until a few months later when I asked her for help for LB1. Auto came and tried to help but died in the process ; ;. I recall asking if they wanted to static and they Ybb replied, "Sorry, we're staticing with a NIN." Weeks later, we're staticing like crazy and they've been with me ever since. Ybb refers to me as "her tank." lol. When they canceled their account and dissappeared for 2 months, that was the saddest time in FFXI for me. Thankfully, they both came back =p.
Yukimu. Ah, what can I say. You'll never find a kid like him. Never afraid to die...

Many countless quotes and antics are spoken on the phone when we refer to something about FFXI. "Remember that time..." "Oh and that time when Yukimu..." "What kinda of cure is this?" I recall going to bed one night and thinking to myself. Man, FFXI is fun but, it sure isn't when your friends aren't there. People hound me refering to myself as the one who doesn't do missions, quests, etc. Main reason? Yuki and Matsu aren't back in FFXI just yet. Part of me is holding back from moving on too far. Why do I level so many jobs and farm oils non-stop? So I can be ready when my friends come back to the game. Simply put.
Some news came to my attention last week when I found out my mentor, Deviltti, retired from FFXI. Though we didn't spend much time together in the game, Deviltti had the most profound impact on my FFXI career. We've known each other for a little under 4 years now. Crazy. I'm made in his shadow.

Summer, its almost back.


Anonymous said...

I miss kyou too ; ;! Man, those were some good times... Sleepless nights, not being able to tell what day of the week it was and guess what, NOT CARING :o! /sigh lol. Btw hyou, I've decided, we need 75 let's go ^^/

Coldwind said...

Excellent post Hyo, I think so too, in a game like this its people you met ingame or if you have real life friends playing with you that keeps you going. Crazy funny stuff like getting kill by an nm or doing stuff ingame with your friends makes it all worth it.

Matsutake said...

(True Strike)! Matsu is back and I'm happy about it. We'll do things just like old times my friend. Now if we could only get Kyou back...

Anonymous said...




Anonymous said...

Thanks for writing this.