Monday, April 30, 2007

People Say the Darnest Things!

Sometimes you'll never know what will show up in the linkshell/party chat. Below are some of my recent favorites.

Public display of affection are {/welcome}.

Apples and banannas Cold... You have a delicious way with words =p

Translated: "I'm going to accept your heart." / "I'm going to eat your heart (polite)" Lolpullmacros.

Besides laughing it up on the LS chat, I've been busy leveling WHM on Chubbie. Currently she's on her way to 30 and she just surivived Qufim Island. Heres a few highlights.
In order to know your enemy, you must get -inside- their heads!

Jet is secretly Iceman! Npckki's head was like a strobe light.

Double the pleasure... double the fun... Twin monk Mithras. Same LS. They made us leave their camp ><

My firstaru Magic Burstaru! LolWhm ftw.

I played on Hyourin a bit. I decided to leave the tunnels for a little fresh air.
Helped Mirathin get one of her RDM tests. Got it in 2 kills! (Congrats to Mira for beating Maat tonite!)

Played with my bow...

Mmm. Blue Koolaid bubbles of HP. OHHH YEAHHHH!!!

I missed EES and almosted died to a Gob. with 4 exp tnl. OHHHH NOOOOO!!!

All my gear are cheap NQ. {/blush} Hawker's Knife: 0

I guess thats what I was up to this weekend. Finals week is this week so I can't be on much to level. Maybe just sliming.
Yukimu is returning to Vana'diel tonite. Welcome him back if you see him on. Its been close to 4 months since he has played.


Coldwind said...

this post is bananas, lol good post {Hyoton}

Katsumoto said...

you almost died to a goblin mugger? lolhyo

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Soooooo cutaru :O

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