Sunday, December 10, 2006

Finals Week for the Hyo / Yuki's Week off

I'm away from my main computer at the very moment but decided to make another post to the blog. This week is my finals week so I "shouldn't" be on FFXI much but you'll prob see me logged on AFK or semi-AFK. Yuki is visiting from Orlando and chill'n at our friends. After Thursday, I'm def. taking a small vacation in Vana'diel. He just got his Scorpion Harness and is a few thousand from 60 on his COR. I guess I can't call him a cheap or useless anymore, especially since COR are getting Dispel and Sleep in the next patch.

I've succumbed to the fact that I needed to rid the Rank 4 next to my name and settled on getting Rank 5 the other night. I get to the rid the Airship... whoop-di-freak'n-do.

PLD is 1 tnl to level 66 as I have been just a tad lazy to travel to the corners of Vana'diel to complete Genkai 4. But, its a no brainer that a blind monkey could do.

I met again with Poisonhand while helping Yuki with his Genkai 3 in Davoi. No Jujitsu drop. ; ; I'm 0/4 on this NM. He always drops his "shity-bakis" and never his shirt. "Give me yo shirt Poisionhand. Not yo pants!" Thats what I always scream when I see him.

Yuki and I split the profits off some BCNM 30 Leaping Boots. 500k sell value, 250k to each of us. Man has the economy done a nosedive in the recent weeks. Don't get me started... I'm sure everyone has lost some form of value.

I also complied a "To-Get List" for the upcoming weeks. The priority of the individual items keep changing everyday, depending on which class I really want to play. Heres a small disection of whats on my mind:

Soil Ring x 2 = 2,000,000
Earth Staff = 70,000
Adaman Armor set = 600,000

Haubergeon = 1,900,000
Chivalrous Chain = 400,000
Amemet Mantle + 1 = 550,000
Bomb Core = 440,000
Assault Earring = 400,000

Lets no get into this.

Monk (on Fattie)
Ochiudo's Kote = 1,600,000
Scorpion Harness = 1,600,00
Spartan Cesti = 500,000

Utsusemi Ni = 400,000
Jujitsu Gi = 350,000



Coldwind said...

Hyo you better get LB4 done im just 1k xp till lv66 :D, some NMs can be a pain when it comes to drops hope you get it soon and I hope you have a rich uncle or something or your be staying in korroloka tunnel a looooong time

Anonymous said...

Fattie... is as usless as Yuki. w
And Poisonnuts owns joo.