Monday, December 25, 2006

Merry Kyssmas!

Merry Kyssmas everyone!

Thursday, December 21, 2006

Something Cute

Came across something cute on Its a Maat fight for a DRK with a lil ole'school twist. The best is the end part.

Oh yeah, I'm prob going to start on my 3rd job soon. Dark Knight. It was my first love, I'll write a post bout it when I'm off work.

Wednesday, December 20, 2006


So very recently I've gotten off the lazy horse and decided to do some missions and questing. Ya know, do some adventuring in Vana'diel. My friends and I did 5-1/5-2 on Sunady evening, however, I have no screenshots from the event. ; ; My computer partition was maxed out and I didn't know until after we defeated the Shadow Lord and Rank 6.

HOWEVER! Fear not! My elephant like memory will replay you the key moments of the fight. Heres how it went down from my recollection...

And thats how Hyourin saved Vana'diel from peril. lol. Don't believe me? Ask Lion, she'll tell ya who wears the Subligar in the relationship...

Other than Rank 6 and the beginingg of Zilart missions, the days of have been like what you see above. On Monday evening, I was in the party above. We waited 2 hours... just sitting... for nothing. (I wasn't leader!) We couldn't find a tank or a mage. So I took a nap and woke up at 6am to attempt to form another party.

Luckly it was amazing success! Two of the other three who stood idle for 2 hours with me were also still awake! We managed to form a great party and it was the most exp I've gotten in one sitting. 27k's worth! In one sitting! All before lunchtime! zomg! This great luck transfered to this morning when I woke up at the same time, and made another party for a quick 15k exp before 11AM. =) I also managed to get...


This is a picture of my first Rampage. About 2 hours from the end, we get a new WAR and a RNG and we're killingggg these birds. The other WAR and I were dishing out 600+ Rampages and the RNG was shelling out 1000+ Sidewinders. Suffice to say, it was a blast. Ended the party with level 66 on WAR and a new love for JPN burn parties.

Not my record high but was kinda spooky in its way. =p

Saturday, December 16, 2006

NM Fun ><

I have a festering hate for NMs. They either don't drop the item I'm looking for or totally obliderate my party and me ><. Being recently emancipated from my exams and school, I had a hearty day of FFXI yesterday. So lets begin.

Woke up at 6am since I couldn't sleep anymore and started the day by lvling WAR witj a JPN party in the Quicksand Caves. Everythings going fine until I see our puller pulls something called the "Nussknacker". I thought to myself, WTF is this? Nut snacker? I don't have a good feeling bout this... After a desperate effort, we manage to dint it a whooping 2% damage and he proceed to kill us all. I died, rez-ed back up, and justed watched the carnage unfold.

Only the RNG who pulled it avoided dying. We escaped in battle but the BLM died in mid-Escape lol. Stupid NM ><.

After the party I logged off until I signed back on later in the night to hang with my good friends shown above. We skilled up in Kuftal Tunnel and they were nice enough to help me with WAR AF2. Oh yeah, same morning I did WAR AF1 with Andy. So 2 AFs in one day, niceness.

After finishing WAR AF2, we decided it would be fun to take on Leviathan. Ho-ho. What a task. Not everyone could enter so it ended up being Me (PLD65), Yellow (WAR61), and Cro (SMN75). How did you think it turned out?

Yep. Murder. Lol. I died 3x times in 2 tries. We didn't have enough MP or HP to outlast big L's Spring Water. But, good fun still. We rained checked it for Sunday evening. We're coming back for ya Leviathan ><. Stupid summon NM.

Since I didn't have a ready Warp Cudgel on me at the time, after the failed Leviathan fight, I got a Tele-Holla and was on the way back to Sandy when I came accross... Bloodtear. After a long fight (we estimated Bloodtear to have 18000+ HPs), he dropped... his horn. No Viking Shield ><>

Perhaps I should do my Purple Belt quest now hm? orz

Ended the night on a good note. Deidogg gave me my finished WAR AF2 Feet!

In other news... I think I met Coldwind's long lost cousin. High Wind!


Monday, December 11, 2006

Gratz Jeanie

Congrats to Jeangallo for beating Maat!

w00t w00t

Sunday, December 10, 2006

Finals Week for the Hyo / Yuki's Week off

I'm away from my main computer at the very moment but decided to make another post to the blog. This week is my finals week so I "shouldn't" be on FFXI much but you'll prob see me logged on AFK or semi-AFK. Yuki is visiting from Orlando and chill'n at our friends. After Thursday, I'm def. taking a small vacation in Vana'diel. He just got his Scorpion Harness and is a few thousand from 60 on his COR. I guess I can't call him a cheap or useless anymore, especially since COR are getting Dispel and Sleep in the next patch.

I've succumbed to the fact that I needed to rid the Rank 4 next to my name and settled on getting Rank 5 the other night. I get to the rid the Airship... whoop-di-freak'n-do.

PLD is 1 tnl to level 66 as I have been just a tad lazy to travel to the corners of Vana'diel to complete Genkai 4. But, its a no brainer that a blind monkey could do.

I met again with Poisonhand while helping Yuki with his Genkai 3 in Davoi. No Jujitsu drop. ; ; I'm 0/4 on this NM. He always drops his "shity-bakis" and never his shirt. "Give me yo shirt Poisionhand. Not yo pants!" Thats what I always scream when I see him.

Yuki and I split the profits off some BCNM 30 Leaping Boots. 500k sell value, 250k to each of us. Man has the economy done a nosedive in the recent weeks. Don't get me started... I'm sure everyone has lost some form of value.

I also complied a "To-Get List" for the upcoming weeks. The priority of the individual items keep changing everyday, depending on which class I really want to play. Heres a small disection of whats on my mind:

Soil Ring x 2 = 2,000,000
Earth Staff = 70,000
Adaman Armor set = 600,000

Haubergeon = 1,900,000
Chivalrous Chain = 400,000
Amemet Mantle + 1 = 550,000
Bomb Core = 440,000
Assault Earring = 400,000

Lets no get into this.

Monk (on Fattie)
Ochiudo's Kote = 1,600,000
Scorpion Harness = 1,600,00
Spartan Cesti = 500,000

Utsusemi Ni = 400,000
Jujitsu Gi = 350,000


Thursday, December 7, 2006

Bytch Be Gone

Small story before bed. Its been a busy day and I'll make sure to post bout it tomorrow. Till then I'll leave you off with this:

Monday, December 4, 2006

{Japanese} {Party} Onry

Its been quite some time from the last post I've made regarding my adventures in Vana'diel. Its not that nothing's been happening. On the contrary, so much has been happening that I haven't been able to cotifiy all the events into words or even pictures. I'll try to catch everyone with some memorable happens recently.

Feeling like a selfish bum that only signs on to farm Slime Oils or whore myself to the exp addiction, I decided to help anyone the other night on the LS. Elov asked me to assist Gessica on her Kazham key quest. No problem. Instant warps here - key drop mobs here - Instant warp out. What was great was directly after we (Gessica, Elov, and myself) grabbed a WHM, WAR/NIN, and BRD and just tore thru Yuh. Jungle.

Gessica went to bed early and Elov and I stayed on until 7AM EST drowning ourselves in exp. I started the night at level 24. I ended it with level 28 on my Ranger. Good shit. The picture above shows Kade, our NIN, passed out at the helm and is deemed "afk 4ever" by our party. We continue even with him sleeping, he levels right before we depart.

In other news, I decided to make an Alt, a female TaruTaru L-sized Monk named Fattie. I always wanted one. When she gets older I'm gonna toss her into the tunnels to farm slime. Flee + Chi Blast = FTW! Playing her makes me feel young again. The world of Vana'diel is hella huge when you're a lowbie.

In rather really really chanced happening, I re-met an old friend from when I started my first character in FFXI from NA launch. Superbeast. This crazier ontop of the fact that this isn't the first time Superbeast and I have remet. We remet on World of Warcraft 1 1/2 years ago on the same faction on the same server! How chance is that?! He just came back recently and guess who was there to met him? Yep. Chance happening right there. Lol.

On the topic of my War, my last post spoke how much I wanted to get him to level 49 to swing my G.axe. I got it over Thanksgiving break but yeah... G.axe ownz my soul. I risk life and limb trying to level it. Heres a shot from Yuki and I partying. He got owned by a 850+ dmg Quake. lolYuki.

So the main topic of this post is to highlight my small run in with a Japanese party the other night. I've come to the realization that there are alot of "JPN PT onry" players out there. Now, I don't mind this at all because everyone has a choice whom they want to play with - even if its uneven grounds of fairness. I find it interetsing when I lead JPN only players and a few hours into the pt I tell the truth, indeed they have been lead by an non-Japanese person. However, this event further reminds me that JPN players are not superhuman, and they do make mistakes.

The above picture is my adventures in Mount Z. with a party of consisting of 3 JPN, 2 US, and 1 mute mofo whm who I don't know if he understood anything I said. The JPN MNK Rasher, whom I shall refer to now as "bytch", told us to camp at this spot. Ok... heres where I'm gonna vent a lil.

Just cuz mobs spawn here, doesn't make it a good camp. The bycth placed me in like mob spawn central and we got links after links after links. She would ask "Who is puller?" and I told her that the SAM would be the puller. Ok she got it... no, not at all. She would pull randomly and during fights.

The last of these occasions was a 4-5 link chain. Mob1 pops. We pull. SAM pulls Mob2 while our MP was down by mistake. Mob3 camp pops and we link. All the mages spread out, try to sleep Mob3. The formation is broken so bad that one of the mages aggro another mob, hereby, Mob4. After some mircale, we're back down to 2 mobs. Suddenly, another aggro from the back, Mob5. The entire time I was cursing on the phone with Yuki. The 2 of the JPN players, Rioh and Luon were laughing and saying {excitement}. lol. It was memorable and fun. However...

The MNK at the ends says in JPN, "Sorry. This party is too dangerous. I am returning back," and insta warps out.

What a bytch. YOU TOLD ME TO CAMP THERE!!! /kill /stab

But, all aside, I maanged to get 9k tnl to level 66. I'd have to thank the JPN mages, Rioh and Luon, those 2 were the best. They stuck with me all night even when any other people would have left me.

I was intending to do Rank 5 and LB4 tonight but its getting late and I have some work for database to finish up. My goals are Rank 6 and level 70 by the time I head home for the holidays.

I'll leave you off with a screenshot of my first Swift Blade. Its the sex.