Friday, March 30, 2007

Level 1-10 Woes

The travels of Chubbie, the fataru began last week. I was going to name her "Fataru" however, SE prohibited me from creating a char with that name ><. Still, I'm quite happy with Chubbie, she's everything I always wanted. You have no idea how many /examies I get when I run around.
A whole new world awaits this lil fataru.
To my surprise, I find a naked Galka struting his stuff in the desert! Oh, wait. Its Mr. Cold. He hands Chubbie a LS pearl as she /panic dances for his pleasure.
lolFataru. Dual box'n isn't without its problems. Many times I let Chubbie die because I was looking at another computer with Hyourin logged on.
On about Hyourin, I decided I should begin my final WS sword trial. The quest giver was rather cute. Thats a nice helm too. Why can't SE let us make chars that looked this cool? She had hair covering her "missing" eye. Oh, while on the phone with Yukimu, I accidently declined the quest. When I asked her again... she punished me by sending me to do another quest...
Thus, I had to force myself to climb a mountain and get some water for her eye. >.> She eventually gave me the quest and the Spara of Trials.
Been spending some time with Darkwarrior doing various things. This is us working on his WAR AF2. If I thought Darkness skillchain effect was cool before, I really dread it now. We worked on breaking my Spara's latent effect for like 2 hours the other day. -_-#
Don't we look cute. Hyourin-Reza-Jean. Dad-daughter-mom? Lol. We look like a nice trio.
Reza is too cute.

Tuesday, March 20, 2007

To dual box or not? That is the question.

Currently sitting on my desk is a brand new copy of Final Fantasy XI: Vana'diel Collection 2007. The question of the moment is...

"To dual box or not?" and "Am I insane?"

During Spring Break, my PLD main reached 74. With 75 in my grasp, I can't imagine what else I want out from the game. Meripo? No thanks. Its not that much fun to grind as the same level, same job. Well, when I'm not going to be in Endgame stuff that is. RoZ/CoP/ToAU missions and quests? No, not if my friends aren't wih me. Plus, I'm too busy in school atm to make appointments for missions and what naught.

The only solution that popped in my mind was to start a new job. But, there in lies the eternal question, "Which job?"

Truth me told, I enjoy tanking. It makes me feel alive, and useful. DD'n is fun, but... in the end, I cannot be the BEST DD out there, but I can be a damn good tank. I've gotten plenty of praises from the HNM/God PLDs and requests to join.

No thanks. Not up for it atm. Endgame stuff just doesn't seem fun to me.

So, picking up NIN seems like a reasonable choice. I get to relive my prime years again, tanking up a storm. Still, something I always wanted ever since I joined FF.

A Taru Taru.

I was playing Fattie, my mule, yesterday as a MNK in the dunes when something hit me. Averaging at around 1k/hour in a dunes pt, I thought to myself. "I wish I could PL myself on Hyourin."

Spoke to my friend' b/f. He dual boxes 2 accounts. Actually, speaking of which, Matsu also dual boxed Corec and himself. Auto and Yellow are married so thats "like" dual box'n.

Hmmm.... I thought bout it all day today. On my way home from campus, I dropped by Best Buy and grabbed myself another copy of the game.

Still, much work has to be done before I start another account.

- Meripo on Hyourin for AGI, eva, Katana points.
- Buy 2 O.Kotes. 2 Jujitsu Gi's. 2 Sniper Rings. Utsusemi: Ni scroll.

Thats some serious money and time. But, I think I can do it within a month or two if I keep at it.

Lets see how this little project goes. Hopefully, during summer, I shall have a lil mini-me running around Vana'diel beating the living tar out of things and myself as a Nin.

Monday, March 5, 2007

Gil-Farmer Hyourinmaru!

Hey guys. I'm just letting you know that I'm not dead. =)

You can find me signing back on more and more now. Classes are easing up and I'm farming like a mad man once again.

Drop me a comment or two to letme know how you're doing^^.